вторник, 11 июня 2019 г.

Entry 9: Pros and Cons of different social media applications

Social networks are mainly used to advertise famous companies around the world. There is no better timely and cost-effective way to inform your customers about your latest product or upcoming event. Some of these messages are often distributed free of charge on social media platforms, and some advertising mechanisms are based on payments, which is undoubtedly a more effective way of disseminating advertisements.
Finally, social networks play an important role in uniting common interests. Most social networking communities are filled with people who share common interests. For example, a fashion lover mostly spends his time on Pinterest and not on Twitter, while a photographer is more likely to view photos on Instagram, rather than keep up with the news on Twitter, and we are interested in new growth. " of the world "
Young people tend to lose their time when they are sitting on social networks. It is not uncommon to notice a young man who looks into his phone or computer with headphones in his ears for several hours. In fact, research shows that about 30% of the time spent on the Internet comes from social networks. Such a regime can be costly for performance.

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